Lancashire school wins national competition to encourage kids to drink more water
Bolton-by-Bowland CE Primary School in Lancashire won a national competition to encourage children to drink water, and received a visit from Stefan Gates, star of CBBC’s Gastronuts. Thirty-seven pupils got to take part in the Wacky Water Workshop that including 12 fun and fascinating experiments such as ‘make your own urine’ and ‘make your own sweat’ which we presume (and hope) were more scientific than they sound.
The Wise up with Water challenge, was launched by the Natural Hydration Council (NHC) in partnership with The Children’s Food Trust, and schools across the country were invited to create ideas to encourage pupils to drink water. Bolton-by-Bowland’s key stage 2 children came up with a range of ideas including creating posters and sending home newsletters to highlight the importance of drinking water, nominating a pupil to be the ‘water champion’ for drinking lots of water and challenging the other children to keep up, and replacing water labels with sticky labels saying ‘drink me’.
Wise up with Water is free to access and the resources will be available throughout the 2015 academic year. Materials are available to all primary school teachers and families across the UK, and include curriculum-based lesson plans designed to creatively educate children on the role of water in the body and healthy hydration.
To download the resources click here
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