Olivia’s Birds, Saving the Gulf

  • Author
    Olivia Bouler
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When Olivia Bouler heard the news about the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, she was determined to do something to help. A passionate ornithologist and artist, she decided to make money by selling bird paintings. So far, her ‘Save the Gulf’ campaign has raised more than $150,000 – and she has donated over 500 original works of art to contributors. Not only is this book a beautiful guide to all kinds of birds, packed with interesting information about their habitats, plumage and habits, it’s also inspirational on two levels: simultaneously raising awareness about essential matters of environmental protection and giving children an empowering glimpse of how age need be no barrier to making a real difference; Olivia is just eleven years old (available from thegmcgroup.com, 01273 488005).