Enhance learning and retention through inclusive, exciting and efficient resources that promote hands-on active engagement...
Qwizzles are basically triangular cards each containing numbers, words, pictures or statements based on specific learning outcomes of different subject areas.
These are then matched together correctly just like the classic game of Triominos but using a Qwizzle game board.
A range of puzzles are available and they increase in difficulty chronologically. I used the times tables set for KS1 and KS2 (2 to 12 times tables) and also a comprehensive KS1 maths box set covering a range of key skills.
Instructions and guidance are provided and the box set comes with a game board. They went down a storm!
They take next to no setting up so a game can be up and running in moments and then the fun begins.
What is immediately obvious is that children soon encounter what it is they know, or rather don’t know. This motivates them to fill gaps, make connections and upgrade their knowledge in a non-threatening context, and so this allows them to grow as learners in a safe and secure way.
Children pick up what to do very quickly and are always keen to have another go a number of times, and for some it is addictive.
The puzzles have all been designed to generate different shapes such as diamonds and hexagons, which adds a further layer of enjoyment.
Teachers have the option of telling children what the completed shape will be or not!
The cards have been carefully considered and designed so that they not only withstand plenty of use but are also user-friendly. They have non-reflective coloured surfaces and a special bold font is used to ensure a diverse range of learners are catered for.
An intelligent feature of the Qwizzle cards is the inclusion of Quick Response codes. This promotes active learning so children can check their responses and it expands the learning experience. It’s also quick, reliable and time saving.
Qwizzle games are perfect for collaborative learning in small groups and provide a dynamic stimulus for children to share their ideas.
They provide access to learners’ knowledge so that you can make assessment judgements based on the accuracy and completeness of the matches they make.
This simple framework is therefore helpful for identifying uncertainties and misconceptions.
Qwizzle is a really great way for reviewing and consolidating learning, boosting revision and helping children to really build on what they know and do something positive about what they don’t.
You are looking to enhance learning and retention through inclusive, exciting and efficient resources that promote hands-on active engagement.
Individual boxed puzzles are £4.99 and the full times table set is £59.95. Find out more at qwizzlegames.co.uk.
Reviewed by John Dabell
The Creative Learning Journey
WordUnited – Where Learning and Playing is One