Who’s In Charge?

  • Author
    Dorling Kindersley
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
    DK Publishing
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At the time of writing, we are in the middle of pre-election campaigning; as you read, votes will have been cast and counted. If, wary of accusations regarding attempts to get little Johnny to influence his parents’ polling booth decisions, you’ve steered clear of talking through issues of democracy with your class so far, then now, when the dust is still settling, is surely an ideal time to do it – with this book, which covers all the big ideas concerning government in a way that is both clear and engaging, as the perfect starting resource. As Andrew Marr writes in his foreword, ‘the truth is, politics works only when people put in the (small) amount of thinking needed to take part’; getting children excited and informed about the subject at an early age may just avoid them becoming the next cba* generation upon reaching the age of majority.